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Friday, December 10, 2010

Apple iPOD Headphones With Mic(KnowHow)

Hi, Everyone   This my first blogpost.....................

  So this is natural that i do not know how to write one. I started this blog to share the information and knowledge that i have about Electronic Gadgets and and my first post would be about iPod Touch or better "iTouch" 2G. (For Latest iPOD 4G)

I had a very useful piece of information that i thin i must share with all of you....  I think wait for a cheap and reliable "iPod touch Headphone with Mic" is over with the launch of the new SAMSUNG CHAMP Phone.

I myself have discovered that the head phones supplied with this phone have the same internal wiring as that of any apple headphones with mic...(Isn'nt it Great ????). 
 This Means That the all of us who were waiting for  a cheap and reliable headphones that can be used with iPOD Touch will be very happy to discover that someone has already made them and unknowingly helped us with their good quality and brannd satisfaction.

Lastly I Would Like to Conclude this post with the topic for my next post.   Those of you who are trying to make a compatible for apple iPod touch:-  I will be solving their problems very soon..(by providing you with tech specs of the headphones a.k.a their wiring)

Hope you like the above piece useful.  Atul

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